What are the most common in-game tech support questions?

Check out some common troubleshooting questions.

If you have not already, be sure to check out the How do attendees log-on to the Weve platform page for extensive information on technology requirements.


General Camera & Audio issues. Use this if you are getting an error such as "Access Denied" "Permission Denied" or you accidentally clicked  'No' when prompted to accept camera/microphone access.

Let's make sure your Camera and Mic are "allowed" in Chrome:
  • Click the 3 dots in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  • Click Settings at the bottom of the list...this will open a new window for you.
  • Click Privacy and Security on the left-hand side
  • Under Privacy and Security click on Site settings
  • Click on app.weve.co
  • Make sure camera and microphone are allowed

Let's make sure your computer will allow the use of your Camera:

  • Personal Settings Search Bar
  • Camera Privacy Settings
  • Allow other apps to use camera
    If these steps do not work, please try logging in via incognito window.


Why is it saying "participant disconnected because of duplicate identity?"

Please make sure all other windows or apps that might be using your camera are closed out. Then, login via Incognito window or InPrivate (for Edge).

Why is it saying I do not have a camera available?

Please make sure all other windows or apps that might be using your camera are closed out. Sometimes your camera is being used by other video conferencing software (Zoom/Webex/ms teams), and it won't work on our platform.

Why is it saying I do not have a microphone available?

  • In Windows, go to 'Settings'.
  • Search for Microphone and select 'Microphone Privacy Settings' and flip “allow apps to use microphone” to “on."
  • If it's already on, try flipping off and on again. This will also reset access to the camera. 

I cannot hear out of my Bluetooth headphones.

If you are on a Bluetooth headset another program may be stealing its focus. Please close all other tabs and make sure you don't have anything else open.

My video/audio is lagging or freezing.

Please make sure all other internet tabs are closed and nothing unnecessary is running on your laptop. If anyone else is streaming on the same wi-fi network, that may be limiting bandwidth as well. If you are on a laptop, try connecting via ethernet.

What does "Signaling Connection Error" mean?

This is a message one would receive if they have poor internet connect. Please ensure no one in your household is downloading/streaming and if you are not already, connect your computer to the internet using an ethernet cord (instead of wifi).

How do I refresh?

As a browser-based platform, sometimes all you need to do is refresh to clear up audio or video issues. This is available to you at any point during a Weve event if anyone is experiencing technical difficulties.
Depending on your keyboard that's control or command+shift+r

How do I update my browser?

  • On your computer, open Chrome.
  • At the top right, click the three vertical dots and scroll down to help.
  • In the center of the screen you may see "chrome is nearly updated"
  • Update and relaunch

How do I mute myself?

There is a small speaker icon on the far right toolbar. You can use this to mute yourself.